Have you seen the video from Dr. Ernie Ward about leaving pets in hot cars in the summer? He takes the time to sit in a car on a hot summer day to demonstrate what a pet would go through in the same situation. Dr. Ward has all of the windows cracked 1-2 inches, but that doesn’t stop the temperature in the car from skyrocketing! THis video helps illustrate the agony, frustration and torture a pet would go through while in this situation. Take a moment to view this video and get a feel for what a pet would experience in a hot vehicle:

Now, what if you have your pet with you on a hot summer day and you need to go to the store? You have no choice, right? Well, maybe not. You always have the option of taking your pet into stores like Petsmart and Tractor Supply. If you have a small dog, many retailers like Home Depot and Lowes will allow you to take smaller dogs or well-behaved and leashed dogs inside. Make sure you double check with the management at these stores before you walk your mastiff in the door! Always remember to walk your pet outside and allow them to go potty before you enter any store. This helps avoid any embarrassing situations inside the store. You can also check with certain retailers about their policy about leaving your pet tied outside while you run inside. Many smaller businesses are quite ok with this and will even provide a bowl of water for your pet if you ask!

If you are unable to find a store to take your pet into, please do the right thing and take them home before you do your shopping. We are sure there is nothing that is so important to get right at that moment that it is worth your dog’s life.