Solensia™ is a monoclonal antibody injection therapy for felines. This unique once-a-month injection is exceptionally safe and effective for cats with long-term pain.
If you would like more information about how we use Solensia™ to reduce the pain your cat is experiencing or would like a callback from one of our medical staff, please complete the form below.
Did you know that 90% of cats over ten years old have arthritis? A cat’s instinct is to hide as it experiences pain and illness. But, to most cat owners, it’s obvious when your favorite feline isn’t up to its normal behaviors.
If your cat has difficulty jumping, climbing, running, chasing, or even shows a lack of interest in everyday playtime, these may be signs of a painful condition called osteoarthritis. Solensia may be the answer to getting your cat moving again.
Solensia™ is a monoclonal antibody injection therapy for felines. This unique once-a-month injection is exceptionally safe and effective for cats with long-term pain. While osteoarthritis cannot be cured, the pain can be effectively managed for a better quality of life.
This medication acts like the cat’s natural antibodies to reduce pain signals and decrease inflammation in the body. While it takes two injections for the medication to take full effect, studies have shown that 77% of owners see improvement in patients receiving the injections.
Additionally, there are no indications of interference with other medications, including NSAIDs. This injection is safe for cats with cancer or those being treated for other conditions.
Tipp City Veterinary Hospital is always looking for ways to reduce pain in our patients. If your cat suffers from osteoarthritis, it may benefit from this treatment. Call us today with questions about this new and innovative pain relief treatment.
The existing client cost is $89 for cats ranging from 5-15 pounds and $129 for cats over 15 pounds.